SRMA in Tallahassee 2021

SRMA Executive Director Rob Harris was in Tallahassee November 15th and 16th, 2021, advocating on behalf of SAMA – Sarasota-Manatee Area Manufacturers Association, the Southwest Regional Manufacturers Association, and the #manufacturingindustry for the state of Florida.

He met with nine Senators and Representatives from the region, and the contingency of 40 people met with over 50 state Legislators. We were asking the Legislature for investment and support to help provide resources for the state’s over 22,000 manufacturers. The 
FloridaMakes group was recognized by both the House of Representatives during special session, and by the newly created Manufacturing and Supply Chain caucus. 

These behind-the-scenes events are a major reason manufacturers should support and join their region’s RMAs, such as the SRMA.

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